Form Follows Flow: A Material-driven Computational Workflow For Digital Fabrication of Large-Scale Hierarchically Structured Objects

2015  L. Mogas Soldevila, J. Duro-Royo and N. Oxman , Proceedings of the ACADIA 2015 Conference – Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene, Cincinnati, In review


In the  natural  world,  biological  matter  is  structured  through  growth  and  adaptation, resulting  in  hierarchically structured  forms  with  tunable  material  computation.  Conventional digital  design  tools  and  processes,by  contrast,  prioritize  shape  over  matter,  lacking  integration between modeling, analysis,and fabrication. We present a novel computational environment and workflow  for  the  design  and  additive  manufacturing  of  large-scale  hierarchically  structured objects. The system, composed by custom multi-barrel depositionattached to robotic positioning, integrates  material  properties,fabrication  constraints  and  environmental  forces  to  design  and construct  full-scale  architectural  components. Such  components  are  physically  form-found  bydigitally  extruding  natural polymers  with  functionally  graded  mechanical  and  optical  properties informed by desired functionality and executed through flow-based fabrication. In this approach, properties  such  as viscosity,  velocity,  and  pressure embed  information  intwo-dimensional printing patternsandinduce three-dimensional shape formation of the fabricated part. As a result, the  workflow  associates  physical  material  and  fabrication  constraints  to  virtual  design  tools  for modeling and analysis, challenging traditional design workflows and prioritizing flow over form. Access CFP here.

Form Follows Flow

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